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Product Description

The Bunga Toe Separators are a thin gel pad which comfortably wedges between the toes to eliminate the discomfort associated with rubbing and chafing. This product is washable and reusable. It is used to lessen shock, vibration, pressure and rubbing. Also, used to cushion and soften corns. For more separation, go with our Bunga Toe Spreaders.

Sizes Available

The Bunga Toe Separators come in three sizes Small (Thin), Medium (Thin) and Large (Thick). The thin version of the Toe Separators are approximately 1/8" (2mm) thick. The thick version of the large  separator is approximately 1/4" (4-5 mm) thick.

Each pack comes with two (2) separators.

Gel Padding Features BP

100% Medical Grade Quality
Blister Free
Bunga High-Tek Sleeving™
Bunga Silicone Gels™
Dermatologist Tested
Light weight, High Tech Elastic Sleeve
Medical Grade BM Visco Elastic Gel™
Sizes Available
Washable & Reusable
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