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A Fantastic way to protect both ankle bones!
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Product Description

The Bunga Malleolar Sleeve has two gel cushions which are attached to a comfortable, elastic and breathable sleeve. These pads are strategically placed so that they cushion and protect both malleoli (ankle bones)

Product Sizing and Other Information

Sold Individually. Only one size available at this time - large size

Shipping Information

Definition: Malleoli - Either of the two rounded protuberances on each side of the ankle, the inner formed by a projection of the tibia and the outer by a projection of the fibula.


Gel Padding Features BP

100% Medical Grade Quality
Blister Free
Bunga High-Tek Sleeving™
Bunga Silicone Gels™
Dermatologist Tested
Light weight, High Tech Elastic Sleeve
Medical Grade BM Visco Elastic Gel™
Sizes Available
Washable & Reusable